It’s up! A complete list of all the Guest Guide Clinics and a preview of the other clinics you can take with the guides of International Mountain Climbing School! Check out what Mark Synnott, Janet Bergman, Emilie Drinkwater, Bayard Russell, Nick Yardley, Matt McCormick, Freddie Wilkinson, and Kevin Mahoney are teaching all weekend long!
In fact, Kevin Mahoney’s Steep Water Fall Ice Clinic is already FULL on Saturday, so sign up quick to climb with Freddie, or any other course you have in mind before it fills!
We just received some fresh snow, and the temps have warmed up a little to help it all drip and make the ice even better!
Call the IMCS office to sign yourself up or if you have any questions: 603-356-7064
View all the clinics offered in the IMCS Ice Fest Website:
Click on the image below and print it up!