Today is Steep Ice Tuesday!  We’re highlighting the Steep Ice clinics that are being offered during the Mount Washington Valley Ice Fest!


Master your steep ice skills during Ice Fest! Photo by Laura Barisonzi

Now that your comfortable on Grade 3 ice, it’s time to move on to the steep stuff. Learn how to move smoothly, without getting pumped! Vertical ice takes on many forms – mushrooms, bulges, cauliflower, candlesticks, chandeliers, pillars, curtains, smears, and flows. Brittle or punky, blue or yellow – it takes imagination and experience to move efficiently and confidently on this awe-inspiring terrain. You will get the chance to climb many different types of steep ice, learn to establish a resting position, and incorporate rock climbing movements into your ice climbing awareness.
To sign up call IMCS or visit the Ice Fest Website:

Check out the Steep Ice Clinics below:

Intro To Steep Waterfall Ice Climbing with IMCS Guides
Steep Waterfall Ice Climbing With Kevin Mahoney (filling up FAST!)

Intro To Steep Waterfall Ice Climbing  (Filling up FAST!)

  • Group 1:  Freddie Wilkinson & Matt McCormick
  • Group 2:  Barry Blanchard & IMCS Guide Elliot Gaddy

Steep Waterfall Ice Climbing  with Kevin Mahoney & Peter Doucette
Women’s Steep Ice Climbing Clinic with Majka Burhardt & Emilie Drinkwater (Don’t wait ladies!)

Intro To Steep Waterfall Ice Climbing with IMCS Guides
Steep Waterfall Ice Climbing with Emilie Drinkwater & Carlos Buhler


Steep is IN! It’s time to climb! Photo by Laura Laura Barisonzi