Today is Steep Ice Tuesday! We’re highlighting the Steep Ice clinics that are being offered during the Mount Washington Valley Ice Fest!
Now that your comfortable on Grade 3 ice, it’s time to move on to the steep stuff. Learn how to move smoothly, without getting pumped! Vertical ice takes on many forms – mushrooms, bulges, cauliflower, candlesticks, chandeliers, pillars, curtains, smears, and flows. Brittle or punky, blue or yellow – it takes imagination and experience to move efficiently and confidently on this awe-inspiring terrain. You will get the chance to climb many different types of steep ice, learn to establish a resting position, and incorporate rock climbing movements into your ice climbing awareness.
To sign up call IMCS or visit the Ice Fest Website:
Check out the Steep Ice Clinics below:
Intro To Steep Waterfall Ice Climbing with IMCS Guides
Steep Waterfall Ice Climbing With Kevin Mahoney (filling up FAST!)
Intro To Steep Waterfall Ice Climbing (Filling up FAST!)
- Group 1: Freddie Wilkinson & Matt McCormick
- Group 2: Barry Blanchard & IMCS Guide Elliot Gaddy
Steep Waterfall Ice Climbing with Kevin Mahoney & Peter Doucette
Women’s Steep Ice Climbing Clinic with Majka Burhardt & Emilie Drinkwater (Don’t wait ladies!)
Intro To Steep Waterfall Ice Climbing with IMCS Guides
Steep Waterfall Ice Climbing with Emilie Drinkwater & Carlos Buhler