Have you noticed the variety we offer with our courses, clinics, and guided ascents during the Ice Fest? Check it out, find what you’ve been wanting to do, and give us a call! Don’t find what you’re looking for? Let us tailor a clinic to your needs.
IMCS: 603.356.7064
A list of all the clinics can be found on the Ice Fest web page.
Clinics this year include:
* Huntington Ravine gully climb with IMCS guide
* Private climb with IMCS Guide (up to 4 people)
* Mixed climbing with Mark Synnott
* Fast and Light: Efficient alpine climbing techniques with Josh Wharton
*Steep Waterfall Ice Climbing Skills with guest guide Will Mayo
* Women’s steep waterfall ice skills with Majka Burhardt
* Two-day ice leader skills with Bob Baribeau
* Two-day glacier travel and crevasse rescue
* Snow and ice anchors clinic
* Alpine-style primer climb
* One-day ice leader refresher course
*Presidential Terrain Traverse– 3 day
*Two-day Level I Avalanche course
Being a guide at IMCS is a profession and a passion that allows us to share the excitement of climbing and the mountain environment with YOU! Along the way we will help you build skills and gain experiences that will make YOU a better climber and mountaineer.