2019 Trucker Sneak Peek

Fun times in the IMCS office!  We have a sneak peek for you of 2019’s official Ice Fest Trucker Hat design (big shout out to Silverline Graphics for doing the heavy lifting!).  We are spreading even more local artist love at Ice Fest this year.  2018 we featured art by Mount Washington Valley native Hannah…


2019 Ice Fest is ON!

Cold weather is a-brewin in these here mountains.  Rime ice and snow were sited at the Observatory.  In mid October thats always a harbinger of Ice season to come!  Feb 1-3, come take part in the winter fun here in New Hampshire.  Bonus, you’ll have a really great time, and learn some about great gear…


Beta For MWV Ice Fest Clinic Participants

For all those who are signed up for clinics, this blog post is for YOU!  The Clinic Crew! There are a final few reminders to Ice Fest attendees as we go into the one week countdown. We are really excited about all the folks who are coming to the 25th Mount Washington Valley Ice Festival! Here are a…


Access Fund Silent Auction Night THIS Friday!

Every year at Ice Fest, we hold a silent auction to raise funds for non-profits that work hard to support the New England climbing community.  This year, we are excited to be working with the Access Fund as our official beneficiary.  Locally, Access Fund and Northeast Regional Director, Mike Morin have been hard at work on a…